Search Results for: anxiety

7 Best Healthy Habits You Can Implement, According to Experts

When creating a healthier lifestyle, we like to think big. Strict diets, half marathons, and losing 50 pounds in 2 weeks are some of the best healthy habits. However, sustainable improvement is best achieved through small adjustments to your current lifestyle, not through torturing yourself with the major changes that often shock your body. As

7 Best Healthy Habits You Can Implement, According to Experts Read More »

The Full Guide to Essential Oils: Literally Everything You Need to Know

The Full Guide to Essential Oils: Literally Everything You Need to Know

What’s your favorite floral scent? Roses? Jasmine? Or maybe you have a favorite herb like rosemary or oregano that evokes wonderful cooking aromas? The luscious scents wafting into your nose originate from the plant’s essential oils. People crush or distill plant leaves and other parts to release the essential oils, producing a pure, highly concentrated

The Full Guide to Essential Oils: Literally Everything You Need to Know Read More »

17 Warning Signs of Diabetes

17 Warning Signs of Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious medical condition that affects millions of people around the world. Yet, research suggests that 1 in 4 adults living with the disease are unaware of it, which can lead to serious complications. In this article, you’ll discover the various warning signs of diabetes. Knowing the early warning signs can help you

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Chocolate is Good for Your Health

Too Good to Be True: Chocolate is Good for Your Health, and the Scientists now Know Why

There’s no denying that chocolate is one of the world’s most beloved treats. Recent research suggests that there are numerous health benefits to be gained from eating chocolate in moderation, making it not just a favorite snack to indulge in. People have viewed chocolate as an unhealthy guilty pleasure for years, but the truth is

Too Good to Be True: Chocolate is Good for Your Health, and the Scientists now Know Why Read More »

Ayurvedic Home Remedies

These 5 Ayurvedic Home Remedies are Super Weird… But they Actually Work!

These 5 Ayurvedic home remedies are super weird but they actually work and you can use it in your daily life. Evolved over thousands of years, some of the ancient Ayurveda therapies and practices have become acknowledged and widely used in the modern age. Others remained relatively unknown. Sophisticated and powerful mind-body health system, Ayurveda

These 5 Ayurvedic Home Remedies are Super Weird… But they Actually Work! Read More »

Meditation and Mindfulness

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness?

Practicing mindfulness and meditation is one of the most popular techniques that can help improve mental well-being and increase clarity. Furthermore, research supports them as effective therapies to treat various mental wellness issues like stress, anxiety, and depression. The terms mindfulness and meditation are often used together, leading some people to believe they are interchangeable. This is not the case.

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Mindfulness? Read More »

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